We have a motto in the Swing Kings..."Great Jazz, Great Fun!". But...what does that really mean? And, do you need both? In a word...YES!
First, "Great Jazz" indicates an expectation. This assumes a band of outstanding musicians, who are ready and willing to be challenged, to be creative, and to let "the moment" happen musically, even if it's unexpected and surprising. And to always be reaching for the next level. It does NOT mean stiff perfection, and never taking chances. Instead, there is an expectation that something NEW will happen every night! I would rather have someone shoot for the next great "idea" in a solo and miss than to hear the same, safe, predictable solo every night, played flawlessly. Who has time for that?!
Which is where the "Great Fun" comes in! Does this mean we don't take the music seriously, or that we are going to be doing slapstick comedy bits? NO! (OK, to be honest, I did play in a band that did duck call solos, and another with a fiery, exploding tuba, but that's a different blog...).
The FUN comes from the music, and how it impacts both the musicians and the audience. It's about connecting with people, and seeing the music reach them emotionally, whether it's an old standard, a thrilling solo feature, or a new and exciting piece that challenges the band to their limit! (And yeah, we have some new ones of those, too!).
It may just be me, but when I hear a musician play something wonderful, be it an improvised solo, a beautiful interpretation of a melody, or a technically demanding piece that makes your jaw drop, I laugh out loud! It's my ultimate compliment! (This is also why I am no longer welcome in most Symphony halls). But, my laugh at such a moment is just an expression of surprise and joy. And guess what...I'm having FUN!!
And, that's what we want to shoot for every time, Great Jazz and Great Fun. I mean, seriously, why would you (or the Swing Kings!) want to settle for less? As I said before...Who has time for that?! :-) See you down the road! JL
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